Social economy
About the project
The Szlovákiai Magyar Közgazdász Társaság and the Arrabonus Vállalkozásfejlesztési Közhasznú Egyesület in Győr are implementing a joint project entitled “Social Economy” with the identification number SKHU/WETA/1901/4.1/336. The aim of the project is to explore a wide area of the social economy not only for organizations, companies and local governments operating in the field of social enterprise, but also to present its potential to all interested parties. The Vág-Duna-Ipoly Regionális Társulás is also involved in the project.
The project is implemented within the framework of the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Program Small Project Fund, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
Financial support: 43.451,78 EUR.
The results of the project
A guide to the social economy
As part of the project, we develop a bilingual handbook, a socio-economic guide, which contains relevant information on entrepreneurship in the social economy, from the regulatory background to the issue of financing or marketing.
Click here to download the guide by clicking here in Hungarian or in Slovak.
How to create a business plan?
In the project, we will prepare 4 sample business plans for rural tourism, handicrafts and backyard crafts, agriculture and local products based on agriculture, and viticulture, which can serve as a starting point for anyone planning to start a social enterprise.
You can download the business plan samples by clicking here in Hungarian or in Slovak.
Conference series in the name of cooperation
In addition to collecting and passing on information, we also aim to strengthen cross-border relations. This is facilitated by a six-part conference series where participants can learn about the legal environment and funding opportunities in the social economy and receive practical guidance on marketing, business planning, the integration of disadvantaged people with disabilities and the infrastructure opportunities.
In addition to personal participation, the conferences will be available online, for more information click here.
“Egyedül a legnagyobb erő sem tehet mindent, mondhatnám, nem tehet sokat: egyesített erőknek pedog a lehetetlennek látszó is gyakran lehetséges. Mi ét egy csepp víz? De milliomonként egyesült cseppek megdöbbentő erőt fejtenek ki. “
Kölcsey Ferenc